Home » The world order has changed: the expert explained what to expect from America Trump now

The world order has changed: the expert explained what to expect from America Trump now

by alex

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< p >< strong > Ukrainians < strong > you should familiarize yourself with the new reality that has already occurred. . In it, Trump wants to become a peacekeeper, the United States will do everything so that Europe is weak and there will be no more support for Ukraine. this was written about this by an entrepreneur, teacher of business schools and chairman of the board of the organization “Decolonization of the Russian Federation” Valery Pekar.

< h2 > the old world order came to the end

< p > old world order based on the rules, persuasion and values, no longer exists. He was never perfect, but existed. Now he is no longer.

< p > “developed countries benefited from the world order, and developed countries (developing and catching up or at least pretending) tried to destroy it because it is disadvantageous. At some point in the development of the country (primarily China) They began to catch up with the developed, and the most powerful developed country, the USA, decided that it was time to move from the protection of the old order to its destruction. He chose Trump, who became the exponent of this idea. This is not an accident, but the embodiment of the trend (like everyone else in the world), on the one hand, the supporting structure was left on the one hand, on the other hand, they are now destroyed and repaired from both sides; – noted the baker.

< p >In this “new world without order”, he continues, the United States will not protect its European or Asian allies. More about unions and allies, mutual obligations. Moreover, old contracts can be revised unilaterally.

< p > “there are only large strong countries that take what they want, and small weak ones that become victims of such a policy. At least this is how the new American administration sees the world. They are not isolationists – they are expansionists, they are expansionists, they And we should not surprise us now requirements for Greenland, Canada or Panama, ”explained Businessman.

< p > as the baker notes: “New America”:

< h2 > safe contract with Europe ended

< p >According to the entrepreneur, the new American policy means that the security contract with Europe, “Pax Americana” has ended. Europe as a center of power is unprofitable to America: now it is only an alternative center of power – and the smaller the centers of power, the better. And here entire Americans coincide with the goals of Russia and China: to disconnect Europe with America, to defeat the European Union and have Europe weak, disunity and powerless in the form of individual unprotected markets and robbery. ~ 60 > < p > also the expert said that it is not yet clear how the American administration of the zone of influence in Europe sees: whether it will rob it from both sides, whether Western Europe will be a zone of exclusive interests of America, and Eastern Europe (as it was, it was During the Cold War), what will happen to the attacks in China and which will already be redeemed.

< p >“But the main thing is that they need to ruin the European Union, to disconnect everyone, and for this they openly support Euro -roseceptics from the extreme right (as well as the extreme left) end of the political spectrum. If strong individual leaders appear on the fragments of Europe, then the United States will be with them to cooperate. Baker.

< h2 > America sees China with its greatest enemy

< p > as the entrepreneur notes, we are talking about the largest geopolitical mistake of the 21st century: the faith of the Americans into the ability to tear Russia from China and expand it in the opposite direction – against China. ~ 60 > 62 ~ < p >“In our opinion, this is impossible to do this. But, as we know, each American administration first sought to” restart “relations with Russia, mistakenly considering it part of the Western civilization. All these” restarts “did not end in any good, but it was already subsequently” , – noted the baker.

< p > In such a situation, the main fear of the American administration is the collapse of the Russian regime. It is necessary to prevent this at all costs.

< p > “I wrote two years ago that the fear of Russia's defeat is so surpassed by the fear of the defeat of Ukraine (without which the world has lived well for hundreds of years), which may come when, instead of the support of Ukraine against Russia, America will begin to support Russia against Russia Ukraine. < p > already in the first month of his cadence, Trump brought Russia out of international isolation, instead of an aggressor and an international terrorist, he introduced it to a powerful country that has the right to his place at the table of the great powers. It is possible that sanctions will be removed soon.

< p >“Imagine that in the midst of World War II, the US president instead of helping Britain fight the Nazi Raych, instead of Lend-Lease, for the USSR will send negotiators to meet with Hitler’s representatives, call Adolf his best friend, prepare a personal meeting and explain to everyone that Czechoslovakia, Poland, France themselves are to blame for the war, and we will somehow agree with a friend of Adolf, ”- noted the baker.

< h2 > support for Ukraine will no longer be

< p > in the fall, Ukrainian analysts explained that there would be no support from the USA, regardless of the results of the presidential election. “Sometimes it seems to us that someone in the American administration hates Ukraine, and someone loves. This is a children's approach: it seems to the child that he is in the spotlight, and everyone around is somehow related to him, good or bad. An adult He knows that the world is mostly indifferent to the world is not Ukrainian -center, in their understanding, Ukraine is not good and not bad – it is just irrelevant, that is, it is not related Assetian.

< p > Ukraine prevents the present America from doing two things: to weaken Europe so that it is defenseless, and strengthen Russia to use it against China. Therefore, Ukraine must be punished, the baker explains – nothing personal, only business.

< p > “The metaphor popular now among the new American administration compares the current war with the American Civil War. Ukraine looks like a rebellious southern province. Good northerners will finally win bad southern southernises and restore order. And to outsiders (USA, Europe) do not stand to climb into someone else's civilian war, ”notes He.

< h2 >Ukraine will not stand without Europe, and Europe – without Ukraine

< p > according to the baker, first follows:

< p > “than America can put pressure on Ukraine ? is unlikely to stop assistance, because the help will stop in any case. Certain aspects of this cessation will be painful, very painful for us, much more than dismantling USAID. But I do not see any opportunities to maintain this help, ”said the businessman.

< p >“It will not be able to stand without Ukraine. Ukraine will not stand without Europe. We will be in the same boat, or we’ll come down together, or drowned together. It would be nice if in Europe as soon as we understood it as much as we. Ukraine needs Europe as a shield. We have the largest army on the continent. The war is needed by Ukraine as a source of financial assistance, weapons, investments, political and moral support. < p > Ukraine paid the blood of its best sons and daughters for three years of European awakening, which were lost. We helped Europe win the time to prepare, but they did not use it. Only now, under the influence of the obvious destruction of unions and promises, the awakening of Europe begins. Earlier we have already said that we are protecting it, the baker recalls it, but the Europeans did not believe until the new reality made it obvious.

< p >“Various analysts evaluate the probability of these two scenarios in different ways. We do not know how the elections in Germany will end and how stable the new government coalition will be. France also has internal political problems with a potential turning to the extreme right end of the political spectrum in the next elections,” argues Enterprise.

< p > but at least the UK, the Nordic-Baltic Eight, the Netherlands, Poland and the Czech Republic will be with us. I will say separately about Poland: no matter what, without each other we will not survive in the world that we now have.

< p >“It is possible that as a result of American and Russian attacks on European unity, the European Union will cease to exist. Sometimes it will take the impression that Russia outplayed everyone. But at the same time, such a potential defeat will be able to give an impetus to form a new union – safe rather than economic . < p > by the way, we need to accelerate European integration as much as possible, despite the fact that we can be in a situation where the EU will already cease to exist. The farther we advance along this path, he notes, the more significant our role will be and the conditions in the new union is better.

< p > according to the baker, the allies should be sought outside the United States and the European Union, and here it should be mentioned first of all Turkey. < p > < p > “Those who look at the world with a childish look are ranked to our enemies of everyone who did not sign our documents, did not speak out quite clearly, once did in their favor such that we did not like it. But so You can be in a world where everyone around is considered enemies. < h2 > Russia will try to “fill up” Ukraine

< p >The baker focuses on: Russia cannot fill in Ukraine with a military method, so it will do it political.

< p > “The idea of ​​elections during the war, that is, before the signing of a peace agreement with security guarantees, will be destructive for Ukraine (even signing such an agreement is not a world, and it comes only with the start of its actual execution). And Russia is now united in promoting this idea “First Elections, then Peace” is the best way to fill in Ukraine quickly and inexpensively, ”the teacher added Business school.

< p > he notes that the loss of Ukrainian statehood, which will follow after that, does not guarantee Ukrainians of survival (the experience of the twentieth century, buch, Mariupol and other temporarily occupied territories will help to understand this).

< p >“Russia mobilizes everyone without delay and reservations and throws it to the next wave of imperial expansion – to defenseless Europe. And there will be nowhere to hide – you can run to Poland, but the war will come for you,” the baker calls for.

< p > it's also no secret that Trump wants the Nobel Prize of the World. He is sure that there is enough ceasefire for this. We know that this is not so. But even if the peace agreement is concluded, the Nobel Prize is awarded, and the peace agreement is then violated, for Trump this will mean only one thing – that we ourselves are to blame, and he is the greatest peacemaker of the twentieth century. He brought us the world, and we rejected it.

< h2 > crisis that threatens Ukraine with the loss of statehood

< p >By the conviction of the teacher, firstly, we need to understand that we have a crisis that threatens the loss of statehood and life for many of us. Political elites need to immediately terminate political feuds and persecution, absurd decisions and cabinet management, as well as preparation for elections (which will not be if we do not survive). One hundred years ago, it was precisely such strife that led to disaster.

< p > “political elites need to go together to the people with a call for unity and rallying before the threat of loss of everything. They say that Ukrainians are usually united only 5 minutes before the execution, so there is the last opportunity to change this false tradition,” – Says a baker.

< p > secondly, he continues, the subjective position should be occupied. Ukraine will not agree to any conditions that do not provide the country and citizens of survival. We should not be a victim. Do not be offended and reacted to verbal attacks, but express your interests and your position in the adult way.

< p > today improvement in the armed forces and in the rear, economics, military -industrial complex, energy and other areas are becoming a matter of survival.

< p > “there is no immediate catastrophe yet. We have resources for this year and should use this time as efficiently as possible to arouse and collect allies to provide themselves with resources for the following and subsequent years. The main efforts should be focused on Europe, ”the baker emphasized.

< p > what to do to everyone and each of us:

< p > it was previously said that US President Donald Trump may receive information about the Russian-Ukrainian war from sources spreading Russian propaganda. He is in an information ecosystem reflecting Putin's views.

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