Home » The WHO said that the mutation of the coronavirus will not lead to a new pandemic

The WHO said that the mutation of the coronavirus will not lead to a new pandemic

by alex

The spread of mutated variants of coronavirus infection will not provoke the onset of a new pandemic. This statement was made by the Director of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) Hans Kluge.

As the WHO expert noted, it is necessary to be vigilant, since the virus is trying to adapt to humans, however, in general, we are talking about the same disease.

“The new options are a brutal reminder that the virus is still hitting us. But this is not a new virus, this is a normal evolution of any pathogen that is trying to adapt to its host, a human … This is not the beginning of a new pandemic, but, of course, we must be very vigilant, ”he quotes the newspaper El Pais.

At the same time, Kluge stressed that a new strain of coronavirus can cause re-infection, as well as accelerate the spread of the disease. In addition, new variants of infection may not respond to developed vaccines. In this regard, according to him, the mass movement of people already vaccinated against COVID-19 can lead to serious consequences.

The WHO specialist believes that this year will also be coronavirus, but this year the countries will be better prepared.

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