Home » The White House described Biden, who spoke with Putin, with the phrase “did not hold back”

The White House described Biden, who spoke with Putin, with the phrase “did not hold back”

by alex

Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden did not hold back during a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. This was stated by the representative of the White House Jen Psaki, reports “Interfax”.

She assured that the American leader had clear goals, and he realized them during the conversation. “He never held back when it came to President Putin and concerns about the actions of the Russian leadership,” Psaki said.

According to her, Biden spoke frankly about the treatment of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and the participants in unauthorized rallies that took place in Russian cities on 23 January. A White House spokeswoman added that Washington would be equally frank with Russia on problematic issues and in contacts at other levels.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the telephone conversation took place on the initiative of Moscow. The conversation lasted over 35 minutes, it was working and frank.

The telephone conversation between Putin and Biden took place on January 26. The press service of the White House was informed that the problem of hacking SolarWinds was raised. In addition, the heads of Russia and the United States talked about the poisoning of Navalny and unauthorized actions. Following the talks, the heads of state expressed satisfaction with the exchange of notes on reaching an agreement on the extension of the START treaty.

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