Home » The West must hit the most painful places in Russia: Cameron told what Putin is afraid of

The West must hit the most painful places in Russia: Cameron told what Putin is afraid of

by alex

The British Foreign Secretary calls for the use of Russian assets in favor of Ukraine and cutting off Russian gas supplies to Europe.

The West must strengthen sanctions pressure on Russia in response to Russian missile attacks on the Ukrainian energy system.

This call was made by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron at the international conference on the restoration of Ukraine URC-2024 in Berlin.

“We know exactly what Russia is trying to do. They are trying to destroy the energy sector, they are trying to seize coking coal, which is key to the Ukrainian metallurgy, and they are trying to destroy gas storage facilities in Ukraine. They are doing it hard and precise And we must ask ourselves: are we responding with the same severity and precision?,” he noted.

Cameron stressed that the West must hit the most painful areas with sanctions. places in Russia.

“You have to ask yourself: what is Putin afraid of? He is afraid that we will give up hydrocarbons. He is afraid that we will go after Russia's frozen state assets. And I hope that at the G7 summit this week We will at least agree to use the interest on the frozen assets to raise a giant loan for Ukraine, and the money will start flowing long before the November elections in America,” he said.

At the same time, the British minister recalled that Russia also has a shadow fleet. These are mostly uninsured ships that are hazardous to the environment. “I want to know that every time they enter a neutral port, they are checked, arrested and not allowed to transport Russian oil,” the minister noted.

Cameron emphasized that it would be cheaper to stop Russia in Ukraine than to later eliminate the consequences of its victory.

“We have all the cards in our hands: the strongest economy, the strongest alliances, deep expertise, knowledge,” summed up the head of the British Foreign Office.

Recall that according to Bloomberg, Russia's oil revenues are growing, as The Kremlin adapts to sanctions< /strong>.

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