Home » The war will not be long, Russia is not “rubber”, – a military man from Severodonetsk

The war will not be long, Russia is not “rubber”, – a military man from Severodonetsk

by alex

The war will not be long, Russia is not “rubber”, – military from Severodonetsk/Collage 24 channel

The war between Russia and Ukraine may not be as long as expected. On our side, the main thing is motivation.

Today, the main thing for Ukrainians is not to sort things out, but to be united. After all, it is impossible to come to an agreement with Russia, and no one wants this. Ukraine only needs a victory. This was told to Channel 24 by the military and ex-people's deputy Vladimir Parasyuk.

This war will not be as long-term as everyone says. Believe me, Russia is not made of rubber. Yes, they have many resources and opportunities, but they lack the main thing – motivation, – the military man noted.

The Russians must be stopped

Parasyuk shared where he gets his motivation to fight to the end. “First I saw Bucha and Gostomel, then in Kharkiv region and Donbas what they are doing. I really don't want this horde to come to those cities where life is seething and children are running around. This is sheer evil, hatred and murder< /strong> “, – said the exnardeep. That is why the Russian invaders must be stopped.

According to Vladimir, the infidels simply have no chance. “How quickly they invade, just as quickly they will lose. One morning we may wake up and the war is over “, the speaker says. He is convinced that this is the reality, the Russian invasion will not drag on for years.

Take care ourselves and the Armed Forces. Today this (victory – Channel 24) is our main task,” Parasyuk summed up.

The situation in Severodonetsk: the last

  • The army of the aggressor state ousted Armed Forces of Ukraine from the center of Severodonetsk.The fact is that the Russians had an advantage in artillery.
  • The situation in the city is very aggravated.Russian invaders are destroying high-rise buildings, as well as facilities of the Nitrogen and Fiberglass factories.
  • Now street fighting continues in Severodonetsk, the situation changes every hour… Every lull is used to evacuate the local population.
  • The invaders mercilessly hit the city with artillery, which leads to constant fires. New terrible footage was published on the network.

What is the situation in Severodonetsk: the situation in the east of Ukraine


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