Home » The US wants to restore military ties with China: what threat could unite them

The US wants to restore military ties with China: what threat could unite them

by alex

US and Chinese leaders will meet on November 15 / Getty Images

On Wednesday, November 15, a meeting will take place between the two most influential leaders in the world – Joe Biden and Xi Jinping. Politicians will primarily discuss the countries' relations in the military sphere.

Army General, former head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Nikolai Malomuzh told Channel 24 that the United States and China must communicate in order to quickly respond to global threats. In particular, against Russia with its constant blackmail to use nuclear weapons.

“If Putin threatens the world with nuclear weapons, it is necessary to clearly define what position the leaders will have, and operational contact between the Pentagon and the Chinese Ministry of Defense in all cases is also important,” Malomuzh explained.

What threat could unite the USA and China: watch the video from Channel 24

Both the US and China are interested in avoiding a global nuclear war, because it would destroy everyone. There is a common interest here.

In addition, Biden and Xi will discuss the Russian-Ukrainian war and ways to end it.

What is the role of strategic communication

“Without such communications, as a rule, all actions will be perceived as hostile. This can lead to making the wrong strategic decisions, for example, striking each other,” Malomuzh explained.

If you contact the management level in time and find out what happened, you can relieve tension in time and avoid a local or global war.

Meeting between Biden and Xi: what is known

  • The US President and the Chinese leader will meet at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi came to Washington to organize their negotiations.
  • The White House subsequently confirmed the meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping. The leaders will hold talks in San Francisco on November 15.
  • Earlier, the Chinese leader announced his readiness to cooperate with the United States. Xi Jinping explained this by global challenges.

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