Home » The US State Department summed up the results of 2023: what Blinken said about Ukraine and Putin

The US State Department summed up the results of 2023: what Blinken said about Ukraine and Putin

by alex

~6 0~p>The US Secretary of State emphasized that the Russian President has not achieved his main goal in Ukraine, which he is trying to erase from the world map.

The United States will continue to rally countries around the world to support Ukraine to ensure that Russian aggression remains a strategic failure.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced this on Wednesday, December 20, during a year-end press briefing at the State Department.

“It was a difficult year on the battlefield, but the Ukrainians did what no one thought possible,” noted the US Secretary of State.

Blinken noted that Ukraine is confronting one of the largest armies in the world and liberating territories, despite numerous attacks by the Russian Federation. At the same time, he emphasized that the Ukrainians pushed back the remnants of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea and opened a corridor for the export of grain and food.

According to him, Putin has not achieved his main goal in Ukraine, which he is trying to erase from the world map and include in the Russian Federation.

“Russia has weakened militarily, economically, diplomatically,” the head of the American foreign policy department emphasized.

Blinken also mentioned Putin’s statement that Ukraine supposedly has no future.

“He [Putin] believes that his strategy of waiting it out while simultaneously sending wave after wave of young Russians into the “meat grinder” that he himself created will pay off,” he noted.

The head of the State Department emphasized that America's continued support is critical to enabling the Ukrainians to continue the fight and ensure Russia's defeat.

“International support was critical to Ukraine's success. Europe contributed more than $110 billion to Ukraine, compared to about $70 billion from the United States,” noted the US Secretary of State.

Blinken also positively noted the European Union's decision to begin negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU and recalled the contributions of Japan, South Korea, Australia and other countries in the Indo-Pacific region in military and humanitarian assistance, as well as in rebuilding Ukraine's energy sector .

“Like us, they recognize that Ukraine's support is vital to demonstrating to aggressors everywhere that we will oppose those who seek to redraw borders by force,” the US Secretary of State said.

Recall that the leaders of the US Senate on Tuesday, December 19, said that an agreement to provide additional aid to Ukraine and strengthen US border security is unlikely to be reached in the near future.

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