Home » The US Senate will not spend the holidays working on help for Ukraine

The US Senate will not spend the holidays working on help for Ukraine

by alex

Chairman of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson did not agree to the proposal to extend the work of both houses of the US Parliament for another week in order to accept additional funding for Ukraine before Christmas.

This was stated by White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during a briefing, and then commented by US National Security Council coordinator John Kirby.

— As you heard from the President yesterday, the American people will not turn their backs on Ukraine and its fight for freedom against tyranny. However, Speaker Johnson said that the House of Representatives will end its work tomorrow without agreeing on border issues, without funding for Israel, without funding for urgent needs for Ukraine, — noted Jean-Pierre.

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She emphasized that the fact that the House of Representatives goes on vacation will only encourage aggressors around the world, since the actions of the US Congress are being watched in Moscow, Beijing and Tehran.

— House Republicans should not be going home for the holidays when vital steps need to be taken to keep the United States and the world safe, — emphasized Karine Jean-Pierre.

In turn, responding to a question about Putin’s comments, John Kirby, a spokesman for the US National Security Council, referred to the demands of Republicans in Washington for greater control on the southern US border as part of any agreement to provide more aid to Ukraine.

— I really hope that those House Republicans who have held critical aid to Ukraine hostage for months have heard Putin's message loud and clear… Instead, they go home for the holidays, while the Ukrainians return to battle, — Kirby said Thursday at the White House.

The Senate will work during recess

In turn, Democratic senators refused to go to the holidays. Today, December 14th, they are finishing up until the end of the day, they will have three days off before returning on Monday.

Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader said he would announce the schedule later.

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— We have to do this — he said.

The prospects that both chambers will decide on aid to Ukraine before the end of the year have diminished, but ongoing negotiations open the door to a Senate decision next week. This will put pressure on the House of Representatives, which has already left Washington until January, to act early next month.

John Thune, the second-ranking Senate Republican leader, warned that lawmakers still have a long way to go to reach an agreement.

President Joe Biden previously proposed changes to US border policy, increasing the chances of a bipartisan deal on immigration and aid to Ukraine. According to Republican Senator Thom Tillis, the proposal would give the president expanded authority to deport migrants after a certain number of illegal migrants cross the border.

Republican hardliners said the proposal was too soft. Democrats, meanwhile, are divided between those who see room for concessions on the border and progressives who are calling on Biden to reject GOP demands.

Schumer said the Senate will vote on aid to Ukraine next week even if no deal is reached. Last week, Republicans blocked a vote on the relief package because it did not include border restrictions they had demanded.

In addition, Democratic Senator Michael Bennet continues to delay voting on certain procedures in order to prevent Senate Republicans from going on recess. For this he was criticized by Republican Ted Cruz. Bennett responded by recalling to Cruz how the Republicans staged a shutdown in 2013.

Consensus in the US Congress

Now it is important for Ukraine that next week the negotiating group on migration reform in the US Congress, to which aid to Ukraine is tied, comes to an agreement, and the Republicans return on Monday.

In this case, the House of Representatives, which is going on holidays, will be able to vote for it in the first half of January. Until this moment, a new budget with assistance for Ukraine will not be agreed upon.

However, Republican John Cornyn is skeptical that an agreement can be reached next week, saying there is too little time for this.

Republican supporters are also unhappy, because it was the Republicans who noted the urgency of immigration reform, and now they say that they don’t have enough time and want to go on vacation.

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