Home » The US Senate criticized the country's withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty

The US Senate criticized the country's withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty

by alex

Member of the US Senate Robert Menendez criticized the country's withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty. According to him, now the United States and its allies are “worse protected from Russia.” RIA Novosti reports.

Menendez called the decision of the US President Donald Trump's administration “reckless.” He also noted that this allows us to speak of a violation of American law.

The senator recalled that Congress confirmed support for the Open Skies Treaty. The Trump administration was ordered to justify the withdrawal four months before any official notification of it. “President Trump blatantly ignored the law. I urge the incoming administration of [Democratic presidential candidate Joe] Biden to rejoin the treaty, ”Menendez said.

The United States has ceased to be a party to the Open Skies Treaty since Sunday, November 22. The American side explained its position by the fact that Moscow allegedly does not comply with the points of the agreement. The White House also said that Russia monitored the whereabouts of US President Donald Trump during flights over the United States. Moscow denies Washington's accusations.

The Open Skies Treaty was signed in 1992. According to the document, the participating countries can make reconnaissance flights over each other's territory in order to monitor military activities and compliance with existing treaties in the field of arms control.

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