Home » The US predicted China's balkanization due to the war

The US predicted China's balkanization due to the war

by alex

In the event of a war with the United States, China will lose and disintegrate into several states, Ian Kallberg, a researcher at the Cyber Institute of the United States Military Academy (West Point), predicts in a Defense News publication.

“If the regime loses power, the anger of the masses can be released by decades of repression. A country the size of China, with a history of divisions and civil wars, an oppressed, diverse population and socioeconomic inequality, could be thrown into balkanization after defeat, ”the author writes.

The expert is sure that a stable and strong state does not need repressive measures against its own population. “The weakness is clearly visible in China's need to monitor and control the population to maintain stability – surveillance and repression, which are so widespread in the daily life of Chinese society that the GDR security services seemed to be amateurs,” the expert notes.

According to Kallberg, if the United States loses the war with China, they will not disintegrate. The expert writes that in this situation “the president will be to blame,” but there will be no revolution. Also, the specialist doubts that China is so technologically advanced that it can be considered a superpower.

According to Kallberg's publication, China does not have sufficient experience of participating in modern military conflicts. “China's inexperience combined with unrealistic expansionist ambitions could lead to the fall of the regime. Swimmers without water can train the basics, but they will never be good swimmers, ”the author assures.

Kallberg notes that “China has had long periods of internal fragmentation and a weak central government in the past.” “If China, still guided by ideology, enters into a large-scale conflict, it will probably be the end of the communist dictatorship,” the expert said.

In September, Valerie Insinna, a journalist for the American edition of Defense News, spoke about a visit to the Combat Operations Center, created at the United States Naval Aviation Andrews Base, where she observed a simulated operation of a “revolutionary combat control system”, during which Washington's response to an attack by a potential adversary was shown probably Moscow.

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