Home ยป The US military began to build wooden replicas of military equipment

The US military began to build wooden replicas of military equipment

by alex

Soldiers of the 5th Marine Construction Battalion of the US Navy began to create replicas of military equipment from wood. Specifically, they built Humvees out of plywood.

These mock-ups are designed to equip the 17th Combat Logistics Regiment during exercises, reports Lenta.ru. Such wooden copies of equipment should reduce the cost of combat training. A fake Humvee in terms of dimensions corresponds to the dimensions of a real car, so the mock-up can be used in logistics exercises for the transfer of equipment.

Also recently it became known that the US military is using copies of China's Type 99 main battle tank in exercises. This is done so that American fighters visually get used to the type of equipment of potential opponents. Also in the past, the United States has used Russian mock-ups for training exercises.

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