Home » The US Department of Commerce is thinking about the export deterrence of Russia

The US Department of Commerce is thinking about the export deterrence of Russia

by alex

The US Department of Commerce announced its intentions to keep Russia under export control

Photo: Ann Wang / Reuters

There is a need to increase the effectiveness of export control, such a measure will help to deter Russia from “aggressive and dangerous actions,” said Thea Kendler, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Control, during a speech at the Massachusetts Export Expo 2022. This is reported by the WorldECR magazine.

The Assistant Minister announced the intentions of the Ministry of Trade to introduce enhanced export controls to counter US geopolitical rivals such as Russia and China. This was seriously thought about after a new increase in tension and signals about strengthening Russian-Chinese cooperation.

“First, [the US] should use export controls to ensure that technological innovations are not directed to destructive purposes that will harm national security. We intend to effectively use export controls to counter the Chinese program of military-civilian integration, as well as deter Russia from aggressive and dangerous actions,” Kendler said.

The Assistant Minister also hopes that the control of the Ministry of Trade over exports will guarantee that the authorities will not hinder the technological leadership of private companies, and thus resources and personnel will be able to return to the United States for further research and future innovations.

According to Kendler, even despite the introduction of such a measure, some “unscrupulous entities” will try to get hold of American technologies by illegal methods, and the United States should be ready to counteract.

On February 4, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned a new contract for the supply of gas from the Far East to China in the amount of 10 billion cubic meters per year. The Head of State also noted the cooperation between the two countries in high-tech industries and measures to preserve the environment.

On February 2, Bloomberg, citing anonymous sources, reported that the United States and European countries had begun negotiations with major Asian importers of natural gas, trying to convince them to provide the EU with gas supplies. The West wants Asia to resell liquefied natural gas to Europe in the event of an armed conflict in Ukraine.

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