Home » The US commented on the embrace of Putin and Xi

The US commented on the embrace of Putin and Xi

by alex

Dictators share a desire to challenge the global security system.

The United States takes the way relations between China and Russia.

This is how White House adviser John Kirby commented on the question of what signal the leaders of the two could send countries when they showed warm hugs during a meeting in Beijing, reports Ukrinform.

“I'll leave it to these two men to talk about why they think it's okay to hug each other. But I'll just say that we take the challenges both of these countries pose seriously, and we do We treat this as a developing relationship.” them,” Kirby noted.

A White House spokesman said that China and the Russian Federation are committing actions that are contrary to the national security of the United States, as well as many other countries. And I want Xi Jinping and Putin to demonstrate a desire to develop relations between countries, but they cannot say that the history of relations with high trust is long-term.

“What they have in common is a desire to challenge the rules-based international order, to challenge the network of alliances and partnerships,” said a US administration official.

Recall that it was previously reported that Lavrov harshly ridiculed Putin and compared him to an animal.

In addition, we previously informed what the meeting between Putin and Xi was about, the first promises and loud statements.

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