Home » The United States renewed extradition request, Assange

The United States renewed extradition request, Assange

by alex

U.S. attorney General William Barr has released an updated request for extradition of the journalist and the Creator of the site WikiLeaks Julian Assange. Lawyers for the accused believe that this is a political move: the administration of the President of the United States Donald trump is trying to postpone proceedings for the period after the presidential election. This was reported on the website of the campaign to support Assange.

“Barr uses the British system of justice to avoid political interference before the election. The question is why the administration is afraid of trump’s hearing before the US elections”, — said the representative of WikiLeaks ‘ Joseph Farrell.

In the new query mentioned the same accusations against a journalist: he faces up to 175 years in prison. Assange lawyers also report that have not had the opportunity to meet with her client from the moment of the banned prison visits in connection with the epidemic of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. He also never saw his children and their mother.

It is also reported that the UK authorities finally provided to Assange by the computer, to which he was entitled, however, to use them he can’t because of the dysfunctional keyboard and remote programs.

Previously, Assange was unable to attend the hearing on extradition to the United States because of the serious health condition. The meeting was held via video link because of quarantine measures, however, Assange doctors advised him not to appear in public even in this mode.

The us Department of justice filed against Assange allegations 17 may 2019, later adding another. In the case of extradition to the United States WikiLeaks founder faces up to 175 years in prison. A full hearing on his extradition will take place in September 2020.

In 2012 fearing extradition to Sweden over allegations of rape (the thing about it was phased out in 2019), Assange sought asylum in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. There he stayed continuously for nearly seven years. In April last year, he was arrested by the British police.

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