Home ยป The United States has set a condition for the perception of Russia “seriously”

The United States has set a condition for the perception of Russia “seriously”

by alex

Alexey Navalny

US Permanent Representative to the UN Kay Bailey Hutchison said that the Russian authorities need to investigate what happened to Alexei Navalny if they want the country to continue to be taken seriously. It is reported by “Interfax”.

Hutchison set a condition that Russia should shed light on who could be involved in this case and take appropriate measures. She noted that only in this case the world will continue to take Russia seriously. The diplomat also called on Western countries to put pressure on Russia to stop “destabilizing actions.”

Earlier, Hutchison said that the United States expects from Russia a confession of involvement in the intoxication of Alexei Navalny. She also noted that a number of NATO countries also want to take action in the future because of what happened to Navalny.

On September 2, the German government announced that military toxicologists had found traces of a substance from the Novichok group in Navalny's body and called on the Russian government to respond to this information.

Navalny became ill on August 20 during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. In the first two days, doctors from the Omsk hospital helped him, after which Navalny was transported to Germany.

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