Home » The United States deployed a “doomsday plane” to Europe

The United States deployed a “doomsday plane” to Europe

by alex

The E-6B Mercury, which has been in service since the early 90s, should provide the possibility of a US nuclear retaliatory strike in the event that ground command posts are hit by the enemy.

The United States deployed a “doomsday plane” to Europe.

On Tuesday, February 28, an E-6B Mercury arrived in Iceland, which has the status of an “air command post” of the US Strategic Command.

This was reported by the US European Command.

As noted, equipped with an automated intercontinental ballistic missile launch control system, the American “doomsday aircraft” arrived in Europe to “perform tasks in the area of responsibility of the European command.”

The E-6B Mercury, which has been in service since the early 90s, should provide the possibility of a US nuclear retaliatory strike in the event that ground command posts are hit by the enemy. It provides communications with Ohio-class nuclear submarines, each of which is capable of carrying 20 ICBMs. Currently, there are 14 such submarines on combat patrols, six of which are in the Atlantic.

Note that on February 24, four US B-52 Stratofortress strategic bombers also arrived in Europe.

Recall that on February 24, US President Joe Biden ruled out the possibility of transferring F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, saying that they “are not needed now.”

At the same time, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the F-16 is the best variant of a fighter for the Ukrainian military. This is an aircraft that has been upgraded and can carry all types of weapons.

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