Home » The United States decided to leave a nuclear aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean because of Ukraine

The United States decided to leave a nuclear aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean because of Ukraine

by alex

AP: the US military ordered to leave the nuclear aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean because of Ukraine

Photo: US Navy / Reuters

The US military ordered the USS Harry S. Truman to remain in the Mediterranean Sea because of the situation around Ukraine. Reported by the Associated Press, citing a source at the Pentagon.

According to the interlocutor of the American edition, the aircraft carrier of the “Nimitz” (Nimitz) was supposed to go with a group of five ships of the US Navy to the Middle East, but its route was changed to ensure a “permanent presence in Europe.”

An unnamed representative of the defense department also clarified that the order to stop the movement of the nuclear aircraft carrier was given personally by the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin. He noted that the purpose of this step is to provide support to US allies and partners in the region.

Earlier it was reported that the United States, within the framework of the international technical assistance project, allocated $ 24.5 million to Ukraine to strengthen the borders with Russia and Belarus. According to the ministry, Kiev has already received the necessary tranche and will begin to develop it from January 2022. Most of the funds will go to strengthen the border units and provide them with an updated technical base.

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