Home » The United States called an unacceptable mistake with regard to Russia

The United States called an unacceptable mistake with regard to Russia

by alex

Colonel Martin: after successful negotiations on security, the Russian Federation will gain influence in Eurasia

Photo: Anton Vaganov / Reuters

American Colonel Wes Martin said that in case of successful negotiations on security guarantees, Western countries risk re-establishing Russia's exclusive sphere of influence in Eurasia. He wrote about this in his for the magazine National Interest.

“These demands appeared to defend Moscow, but their adoption could lead to the West leaving the former Soviet states and re-creating Russia's exclusive sphere of influence from the Black and Baltic Seas to the Pacific Ocean,” Martin said. He believes that this is an unacceptable mistake and Russia's proposal should be rejected.

The colonel offered instead to provide assistance to Kiev in carrying out military reforms, as well as financial support.

Earlier, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the United States and Russia are engaged in dialogue at the diplomatic level and are discussing the latter's proposals on security guarantees. She stressed that the American authorities are no longer ready to agree to some of Moscow's conditions: in particular, to agreements on the non-expansion of NATO to the east.

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