Home » The UN called on all parties to show restraint amid shelling in Donbass

The UN called on all parties to show restraint amid shelling in Donbass

by alex

The UN noted the violation of the ceasefire in Donbass and called on the parties to restrain

Photo: Oleksandr Klymenko / Reuters

The United Nations (UN) noted the violation of the ceasefire in Donbass and calls on all parties to the conflict to show maximum restraint amid shelling. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Deputy Secretary General of the organization for political affairs, Rosemary Di Carlo.

“Tensions in and around Ukraine have reached their highest level since 2014. Speculation and accusations are heard everywhere in connection with a possible military conflict, ”said the Deputy Secretary General, noting the extreme danger of the current situation.

Di Carlo also drew attention to the fact that there is practically no progress in resolving the situation in terms of the implementation of the Minsk agreements. “We simply cannot accept even the possibility of a new conflict in Ukraine. In reality, we are facing a test,” she concluded.

Earlier, the representative office of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the ceasefire regime said that the Ukrainian military fired mortars at the outskirts of the city of Gorlovka, located on the demarcation line in Donbass. Shelling with 82 mm caliber mines was carried out from the village of Leninskoye and Mayorsk.

The escalation of the conflict was also reported by representatives of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic. In their opinion, the Kiev security forces are deliberately trying to worsen the situation on the line of contact.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also reacted to the shelling in Donbass. He suggested that the escalation of the conflict is an attempt by Russia to create a pretext for invading Ukraine.

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