Home » The UN appreciated Bloomberg’s article about Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine

The UN appreciated Bloomberg’s article about Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine

by alex

The UN commented on the Bloomberg article “on the beginning of the invasion” of Russia in Ukraine

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In the context of the political situation on the borders of Russia and Ukraine, all parties need to avoid actions that could provoke further conflict. This is how the deputy official representative of the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq assessed the Bloomberg article “on the beginning of the invasion”, RIA Novosti reports.

He said that now countries should “avoid any actions or rhetoric,” as this could lead to an escalation of the conflict. The politician said this while answering the question whether the UN is concerned about this example of disinformation.

Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, reacted to fake reports from the American news agency and the German newspaper Bild about the “beginning of the invasion” of Ukraine and the “plan to seize” the country. According to the diplomat, this is not the first time Bloomberg has posted fakes about Russia and Ukraine.

On February 5, the American news agency Bloomberg mistakenly publishes a news headline about Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine. Later, the material disappeared from the site, and the agency apologized for the false data. Currently, the circumstances of how a false and provocative news could appear on the site are being investigated. The verification has already started.

The German newspaper Bild has also prepared a material that allegedly tells about the “official plans of the Russian authorities” to conduct a full-scale invasion of the republic. The article said that they wanted to put a “puppet government” there. The Russian Embassy in Germany called the material “a strange mixture of speculation and rumors.”

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