Home ยป The third world and sad forecast for Ukrainians: what the world can be in 2035 – analysis of the Daily Mail

The third world and sad forecast for Ukrainians: what the world can be in 2035 – analysis of the Daily Mail

by alex

< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/737/tsn-7D69491ed57b2E0922b41D 97a86/Thumbs/1036x648/34/91/DDF9CBC37C46B7396F0AF34FF549134.JPEG " />~ 60 >< strong > almost 400 political analysts were interviewed and 40% of them suggest that a large war with the participation of states such as the USA, China or Russia will break in 2035 in 2035 year.

< p > third world war is inevitable and presumably begins over the next 10 years. < p > < p > writes Daily Mail.

< p > new poll 357 political experts appreciated the future of mankind, and four out of 10 experts (40.5%) said that a large war with the participation of states such as the USA, China or Russia will erupt in 2035.

62 ~ < p >Most of those who believe that the new world war is approaching, said that she would most likely include nuclear weapons and battle in space. The most noticeable example that prompts respondents for such forecasts is the creation by President Donald Trump of the US Space Forces in 2019.

~ 60 > according to three of the 10 experts, the second greatest threat to the world in 2035 will be a change in climate. < p > < p > only 1.7 percent of the respondents said that the new pandemic will be the most alarming crisis that will affect the population of the planet, and only 5.1 percent believe that the growth of the financial crisis will cripple the world until 2035.

62 > 62 ~ < p > Over the next 10 years, political technologists also predict that < Strong > War will not end well for Ukrainians , economic and diplomatic dominance of America will fall, and global democracies will continue to retreat, rolling into “democratic Depression “.

< p >“62 percent of respondents expect the world in ten years to be worse than today, and only 38 percent assumes that it will be better,” said the Atlantic Council. ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ < p > compared with the Atlantic Council Global Foresight poll in 2024, are now less and less respondents that the United States will remain the dominant economic force of the world until 2035 – decreasing from 52 to 49 percent. < p > < h2 > China can lead the Union of countries as opposed to the West < P > Almost half of the surveyed (47.4%) believe that China will lead the new alliance, officially connect them with Russia, Iran and North Korea. ~ 60 > 60 > China, Russia and Iran are already part of the BRICS, consisting of 10 countries. Strategists are afraid that BRICS can soon compete with the Great Seven (G7), which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Great Britain and the USA. < p > as for the main players of this new coalition, the survey shows that almost 65 percent to a certain extent or completely agree that China will try to invade Taiwan. This is 15 percent more than in the past.

< h2 > probable war of Russia against NATO

< p > at the same time 45 percent of experts see that Russia will enter the war with NATO over the next decade. “among respondents awaiting the new World War over the next decade, 69 percent expect a direct clash between Russia and NATO,” the message said.

< p > in the Middle East a new study draws a complex picture around Israel and current conflicts in the region. < p > < p > earlier Donald Trump gave a forecast for the beginning of the third world war.

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