Olympic speed skating champion and State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova saw in the US call to boycott the Olympic Games in 2022 in Beijing a parallel with 2008 and the outbreak of hostilities in Tskhinvali. The politician shared her assumption on the possible course of events with Lenta.ru.
In 2008, the United States had already boycotted the Olympic Games, Zhurova recalled. Then America decided not to go to an international sports event because of human rights violations in Tibet, she said.
“Then the opening of the Olympic Games was disrupted, because hostilities began in Tskhinvali. Exactly one minute at the start of the Beijing Olympic Games. I am very concerned about this question. I would not like a repetition of something like this. We understand that NATO troops are already close to us, and we hope that nothing will happen. I think that the presidents will soon talk so seriously with each other via video link that 2008 will not repeat itself, ”Zhurova said.
However, the politician noted, then the United States did not broadcast such a tough call to allies to boycott the Olympic Games. “This was not the case in the eighth year. There was no such harsh call to the allies. Then the United States talked about a sports boycott, but limited to a political one. Now there was no such question, they immediately announced that only the president would not go. But all the same it looks like a somewhat light version of the events of 2008, ”she summed up.
On December 6, the press secretary of the President of the United States Jen Psaki confirmed that the American leadership will not go to the Olympics in China. According to her, American athletes themselves will be able to decide whether to participate in international competitions or refuse them.
The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing from 4 to 20 February 2022, the Paralympic Games from 4 to 13 March. Only residents of mainland China will be able to buy tickets to the competition.