Home » The State Duma proposed to release some of the schoolchildren from the exam

The State Duma proposed to release some of the schoolchildren from the exam

by alex

Russian schoolchildren and applicants should have the right to choose – to take exams in the form of the Unified State Exam or in the form of writing an essay and verbal testing of knowledge, said Oleg Smolin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science. His words are reported by Ura.ru.

Smolin noted that graduates who do not aspire to universities would not take the Unified State Exam. In addition, graduates with good creative abilities would benefit from this position, the deputy said.

“Because I have repeatedly told the deputies that neither Einstein nor Pushkin would have passed the USE,” Smolin emphasized.

He also noted that the partial cancellation of the unified state examination could help mitigate its consequences. The deputy explained that schoolchildren who are preparing for the USE in high school, as a rule, work only in those subjects that are going to take, as a result of which serious functional illiteracy arises.

“For example, according to polls, a third of the population of our country believes that the Sun is a satellite of the Earth,” Smolin said.

He also added that the positive side of the USE – the opportunity to enter the capital's universities for graduates from the regions – played in the negative direction. Since the majority of such persons, after graduating from the capital's universities, do not return to the regions, and many leave abroad.

“Therefore, for the human potential of the country as a whole, the benefits are not obvious,” concluded Smolin.

Earlier, Maxim Zaitsev, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, said that Russia could abandon the USE system. According to the speaker, questions about the insolvency and cancellation of the Unified State Exam in the Russian Federation are constantly raised in the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

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