Home » The State Duma proposed to increase the age of sale of alcohol

The State Duma proposed to increase the age of sale of alcohol

by alex

State Duma Deputy Khamzaev proposed to introduce a ban on the sale of alcohol under 21

Photo: Vitaly Timkiv / RIA Novosti

Biysultan Khamzaev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, proposed introducing a ban on the sale of alcohol in Russia to persons under 21 years of age. URA.RU writes about it.

“Increasing the age for selling alcohol to 21 should be a principled position for us, for Russia. We must protect and preserve our children,” the deputy said after a meeting of the working group on protecting the health of citizens from alcohol, drug and tobacco threats.

He said that alcohol, tobacco and drugs are a direct threat to the demographics of Russia and stressed that President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly noted problems with demographic indicators.

Earlier it was reported that the authorities of two Buryat villages intend to introduce dry law. Interruptions in the sale of alcohol have led to a significant reduction in mortality among the population in the villages of Utata and Dalakhai, so they want to completely ban the sale of alcohol there.

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