Home ยป The State Duma did not rule out turnover fines for YouTube

The State Duma did not rule out turnover fines for YouTube

by alex

Moscow. September 30th. INTERFAX.RU – Roskomnadzor may impose turnover fines on YouTube, said Anton Gorelkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy of the VII convocation.

“Since the offense is repeated (43 million rubles for not deleting illegal content Facebook has not paid), further fines will be counted from the annual turnover, and this is a different order of numbers. The same is threatening YouTube: video hosting has not accepted any for seven years (!) measures to remove 3,000 videos recognized as illegal in Russia, “Gorelkin wrote on Thursday in his Telegram channel.

According to him, Roskomnadzor plans to apply turnover fines against Western companies that systematically violate the requirements of Russian legislation. Roskomnadzor may also impose a complete ban on advertising activities and restrictions on accepting payments on violating companies, Gorelkin added.

“I think that their use, along with the practice of turnover fines for foreigners-violators, will greatly sober up, and they will finally move from slippery rhetoric to concrete actions,” the deputy wrote.

On the eve of the Magistrate's Court of the Tagansky District of Moscow, Facebook allowed the company to voluntarily pay 26 million rubles in fines until October 4. As reported in the court, Facebook on the last day of the voluntary payment of fines for 26 million rubles. applied for a deferral, citing technical problems in the money transfer. If the company does not pay off the debt by October 4, the court will send the materials to the bailiffs service for enforcement.

According to the court rulings that entered into legal force, Facebook must also pay 17 million rubles in fines by October 19. In total, since the beginning of the year, the total amount of total fines under the court decisions that have not entered into legal force, assigned by Facebook for violations of Russian law, is more than 80 million rubles.

Since February 11, Roskomnadzor has been drawing up administrative protocols in relation to social networks that have not removed or untimely removed calls, including for minors to participate in unauthorized actions.

Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Google, TikTok and WhatsApp have been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violation of Russian law since the beginning of the year. The companies were found guilty of offenses under Part 2 and Part 4 of Art. 13.41 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (the owner of an information resource on the Internet does not delete information, if the obligation to delete it is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

A number of social networks were prosecuted for refusing to localize the data of Russian users on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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