Home » The State Duma criticized the verdict to Shirokov for beating an arbitrator

The State Duma criticized the verdict to Shirokov for beating an arbitrator

by alex

Igor Lebedev

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Igor Lebedev criticized the verdict of the former football player of the Russian national team Roman Shirokov for beating the referee Nikita Danchenkov. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

Lebedev felt that such a decision undermines citizens' confidence in the judicial system and instills a sense of impunity. In his opinion, the athlete deserved to be punished in the form of two years of restriction of freedom. “If such a sentence was passed because the defendant is Shirokov, then this is bad. If the court found it possible to give 100 hours of work for a kick in the face, then tomorrow we will see how some kick others in the face, ”the deputy concluded.

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