Home » The State Duma called media publications about the invasion of Ukraine a means of information warfare

The State Duma called media publications about the invasion of Ukraine a means of information warfare

by alex

The State Duma deputy said that the publications of the Western media lead to an escalation around Ukraine

Photo: Press Service of the State Duma of the Russian Federation / RIA Novosti

Publications in the media that report on Russia’s alleged “invasion plans” in Ukraine are a means of information warfare and lead to the escalation of global tensions, said Dmitry Belik, a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

“Today, when information spreads at the speed of light, the role of the projectile is performed by media statements. First – a provocation from Bloomberg, now – an essay on a free topic from Bild. Such information strikes, despite their absurdity, really escalate panic, contribute to hysteria,” the deputy said.

Belik believes that within the framework of the infowar, “the Western press does not need a special reason, because they will come up with everything themselves, comment on it and distribute it.” He expressed indignation that such methods are used by the largest media with a large audience, and called their materials “outright nonsense.”

On February 5, the Russian Embassy in Germany called the “invasion plan for Ukraine”, which was published by the German newspaper Bild, “a strange mixture of speculation and rumors” and refused to comment on it in any way.

The material of the publication tells about “the plans of the Russian leadership to invade Ukraine and establish a puppet government.” The result of such a “plan” should be the entry of Ukraine into the Union State, then holding a referendum on joining Russia and creating a system of camps for dissenting residents.

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