Home » The State Department spoke about the lifting of sanctions against Nord Stream 2

The State Department spoke about the lifting of sanctions against Nord Stream 2

by alex

The United States will monitor the construction process of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and will take a decision to maintain sanctions on this basis. This position of the American leadership was expressed by a representative of the State Department, quoted by TASS.

“We will monitor the completion and certification of the pipeline and, if such activities take place, make a decision on the applicability of the sanctions,” the ministry said in response to a journalist's request for comment on media reports about the possible lifting of sanctions from the pipeline.

The State Department recalled that US President Joe Biden considers the pipeline a “bad deal.” “The United States will continue to work with our allies and partners to ensure that Europe has a reliable, diversified energy supply network that does not undermine collective security,” the foreign minister said.

Earlier it was reported that the new US leadership intends to resolve the crisis around the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and hinted at the possibility of partially lifting the sanctions. It was reported that Washington is awaiting specific proposals from Germany. At the same time, maintaining transit through Ukraine and weakening Europe's dependence on Russian gas remains a priority for the new administration.

Before that, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that the fate of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline would be decided in the coming weeks or months. He did not rule out that an end to the project would be given, although he admitted that after the change of power, the White House became more open to dialogue. Earlier, Gazprom was talking about the possibility of failure, nevertheless, the Fortuna barge resumed construction in Danish waters.

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