Home » The State Department spoke about the expectations from the talks between Putin and Xi Jinping

The State Department spoke about the expectations from the talks between Putin and Xi Jinping

by alex

US Assistant Secretary of State Kritenbrink called the statement of Russia and China a rapprochement of the countries

Photo: Ilya Galakhov / Global Look Press

Chinese President Xi Jinping, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, was supposed to encourage Moscow to a diplomatic settlement and de-escalation of the current crisis around Ukraine, said Daniel Kritenbrink, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, writes TASS.

Since the fall of 2021, Ukraine and Western countries have been accusing Russia of pulling troops to the border. They believe that Moscow is allegedly preparing an invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin has repeatedly said that Russia is not going to attack any state. Moscow calls the accusations of the West empty and groundless.

Rapprochement between China and Russia

According to him, the talks between the leaders of the two states reflect the approach that both countries have been following for some time. “They are getting closer to each other,” he said.

The representative of the US State Department called the international situation in which the negotiations took place difficult.

According to Kritenbrink, the world was waiting for Beijing to take actions that are committed by “responsible powers.”

This meeting should have provided China with an opportunity to urge Russia to pursue a diplomatic path and de-escalation in Ukraine.

Daniel Kritenbrink Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

He condemned China’s position, adding that it “tacitly supports” Russia, which is allegedly preparing to invade the territory of Ukraine.

We are focused on working with allies and partners, including in the Indo-Pacific region, to give a decisive response if Russia invades Ukraine further

Daniel Kritenbrink Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Negotiations in Beijing

Putin flew to Beijing for the opening of the Olympics on Friday, February 4. The meeting with Xi Jinping lasted three hours. The sides touched upon the further development and strengthening of bilateral relations, coordination of actions in the international arena and the development of joint approaches to global security challenges.

The parties remain committed to the original goals, making tireless efforts for the sustainable development of bilateral relations

Госдеп рассказал об ожиданиях от переговоров Путина и Си Цзиньпина

Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China

Joint statement

As a result of the negotiations, China and Russia made a joint statement. Putin noted that the countries continue to support each other. The Chinese leader stressed that the political and strategic mutual trust between Moscow and Beijing continues to strengthen, and the parties support efforts to protect their fundamental interests.

They called on a number of states to abandon attempts to impose their democratic standards on the world by creating “narrow-format blocs and situational alliances.”

The parties oppose the abuse of democratic values, interference in the internal affairs of sovereign States under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights, as well as attempts to provoke division and confrontation in the world

Joint statement of Russia and China

According to politicians, the world is undergoing large-scale changes. They see the development of multipolarity, the strengthening of economic globalization and the interdependence of states.

Reaction to the negotiations

According to political strategist Konstantin Kalachev, in the future Russia and China are waiting for the creation of a full-fledged union. According to him, cooperation in the field of high technologies, industry, and transport will develop in the near future.

It is no longer so much about partnership as about union. A common enemy in the face of the United States unites and pushes Beijing and Moscow into each other’s arms

Konstantin Kalachevpolitologist

The British newspaper Daily Telegraph announced a “new era” after the meeting between Putin and Xi Jinping. According to the author, “from now on, the dominance of the US-led global West will no longer be taken for granted.”

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