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The solar corona mystery: why is the Solar Orbiter moving towards the luminary?

by alex

The solar corona mystery: why is the Solar Orbiter moving towards the luminary?

The automatic Solar Orbiter passed at a distance of eight thousand kilometers from the surface of Venus and continued on its way towards the Sun. Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, chief researcher of the Physics Institute named after V.I. Lebedev Institute of RAS Sergei Bogachev.

– What is this apparatus? What is its mission?

Sergei Bogachev: This is a spacecraft, a product made by man and launched into space for specific purposes. Satellites of various meanings are put into space: communications, military, star wars, including satellites in the interests of science, fundamental ones. This is such an apparatus, made by scientists for science, made by our colleagues from Europe – this is the European Space Agency. About a year ago, it was launched on its long journey, it has a very distant orbit, rather complicated. On his way, he recently met Venus and is now continuing to move towards the Sun.

– It should enter an orbit around the Sun, some kind of very close one? Will it come closer to Mercury?

Sergei Bogachev: This is very interesting. When we want to study Saturn, we fly to Saturn, when we want to study Jupiter, we fly to Jupiter, and many think that when scientists want to study the Sun, they fly to the Sun. It is not right. 99% of spacecraft that observe the Sun operate near the Earth, because, unlike Mercury, Jupiter is difficult to fly to the Sun, it is hotter and more dangerous. There was an idea, and it was realized in practice, to launch the apparatus towards the Sun. It is not very easy to do this, since, according to different laws of ballistics, it is easier to fly away from the Sun than to approach it, because there it is necessary to extinguish the moment of motion and various things known to physics.

The solar corona mystery: why is the Solar Orbiter moving towards the luminary?

The solar corona mystery: why is the Solar Orbiter moving towards the luminary?

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    The solar corona mystery: why is the Solar Orbiter moving towards the luminary?

    The solar corona mystery: why is the Solar Orbiter moving towards the luminary?


    They carry out the so-called gravitational maneuvers, approach the planets, these planets extinguish the movement of the apparatus for approaching the Sun. Just the rapprochement with Venus was not just to look at Venus, but to extinguish the moment of movement of the apparatus so that it could reach the Sun and enter an orbit around it.

    Read more in the video.

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