Home » The sledgehammer and numerous executions were the result of the mass desertion of the Wagnerites

The sledgehammer and numerous executions were the result of the mass desertion of the Wagnerites

by alex

Criminals from PMC Wagner actively practice extrajudicial executions. They use the infamous sledgehammers they use to kill their military.

About thisChannel 24Olga Romanova, the founder of the Russian charitable organization Sitting Rus, said. It has been reported more than once that the Wagnerites have problems with manpower. After all, convicts now basically refuse to go to die in the war against Ukraine.

Convicts began to flee – executions appeared

As Romanova recalled, in the fall of 2022 there was a peak in the recruitment of prisoners in the PMC Wagner. However, they began to end very quickly – someone died in battles against the Ukrainian military, and many turned out to be smarter and went to surrender.

Prigozhin tried to stop the mass escapes in the fall, when he got a lot of convicts. They began to surrender and run away. Then extrajudicial executions began. The sledgehammer is the “symbol” of 2022 in Russia, Romanova noted.

It is clear that the prisoners were not inspired by such extrajudicial executions. Therefore, now they are still trying to serve their terms in prison and not die in Ukraine.

Invaders from PMC Wagner: latest news

  • The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved a resolution on the recognition of PMC Wagner international criminal organization. More than 300 people's deputies supported this idea. The head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak, stressed that recognizing this group as a terrorist organization is another step towards bringing them to justice.
  • Also on February 3, Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin said that Ukraine had announced suspicion of Yevgeny Prigozhin. He is responsible for thousands of war crimes.
  • Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Vadim Denisenko stressed that the Ukrainian military is actively destroying terrorists from Wagner PMCs. With the current intensity of utilization of Wagnerians, there will be enough for another 6-9 months.

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