Home » “The situation is unpredictable”: US State Department urges American citizens to urgently leave Belarus

“The situation is unpredictable”: US State Department urges American citizens to urgently leave Belarus

by alex

This appeal to the Americans is connected with the war that Russia unleashed in Ukraine with the support of Lukashenka.

The US State Department does not recommend its citizens to visit Belarus and urges those who are here to leave the country immediately.

This was reported on Saturday, February 26, on the website of the US Embassy in Belarus.

The message reminded that you can fly from the airport in Minsk to a limited number of countries, but you can leave Belarus because of land borders with Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.

“U.S. citizens should be aware that due to ongoing Russian military activities in Ukraine, there is increased tension in the region, the situation is unpredictable, and the work of the Minsk airport and the Belarusian land border may change without notice,” U.S. diplomats warned.

Americans are advised to avoid public demonstrations, since it is foreigners who are likely to be persecuted.

“The US government's ability to provide routine or emergency services to US citizens in Belarus is severely limited due to Belarusian government restrictions on US embassy staff,” the State Department warned.

Recall, the head of the State Border Guard Service, Sergei Deineko, sent an official letter to the head of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Anatoly Lappo. The head of the Ukrainian border agency noted that Belarus is actually waging war together with Russia.

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