Home » The scientist told how long the fight against COVID-19 will last

The scientist told how long the fight against COVID-19 will last

by alex

The scientist told how long the fight against COVID-19 will last

The fight against coronavirus on the planet will continue at least until the beginning of 2022, one of the world's most famous specialists in the treatment of lung diseases, Professor Arvind Kumar from India, told RIA Novosti.

The expert believes that the virus will threaten people until the end of this year, perhaps this will last in the first months of 2022. According to Arvind Kumar, this situation will be typical not only for India, but for the whole world.

“There is a well-known saying – no one is safe until everyone is safe,” the professor noted, commenting on the data on the number of vaccinated people in the world. “If the world is to defeat the coronavirus, then people must be vaccinated, and this takes a lot of time, purely because of problems with logistics,” the agency's co-chair said, recalling that so far over 90 percent of the world's population has not been vaccinated against COVID.

The coronavirus pandemic has spread to almost all countries in the world. According to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world has exceeded 179 million, the disease has claimed the lives of over 3.8 million people.

Earlier Thursday, it was reported that the World Health Organization had announced for the first time that children and adolescents could be vaccinated against the new coronavirus.

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