Home » The scientist did not rule out that the strain COVID-19 “delta” will stop evolving

The scientist did not rule out that the strain COVID-19 “delta” will stop evolving

by alex

The scientist did not rule out that the strain COVID-19 “delta” will stop evolving

The delta coronavirus strain, which has already become dominant in the world, may remain in the population, but stop evolving. This was stated by Evgeny Kunin, a leading researcher at the US National Center for Biotechnological Information.

He noted that it is more difficult for the virus to evolve when it is already adapted to the prevailing conditions. In addition, vaccination of the population against coronavirus complicates this process.

“You can imagine that he crawled onto a certain plateau, and in order to climb further, you need to cross the valleys, which may not happen at all,” TASS quotes Kunin.

Earlier, Rospotrebnadzor noted that the delta strain of coronavirus makes up almost 100% of all circulating strains in Russia. Let us recall that the effectiveness of the Sputnik V vaccine against the delta strain ranges from 83 to 94%.

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