Home ยป The scientist denied the connection between the form of the course of the coronavirus and subsequent complications

The scientist denied the connection between the form of the course of the coronavirus and subsequent complications

by alex

Deterioration of health after coronavirus infection does not depend on the severity of the disease, said the head of the department of hospital therapy of the Russian National Research Medical University named after I. Pirogova Alexander Chuchalin at the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Life Sciences”.

It is reported by Nation News.

At the moment, almost half of patients who have undergone coronavirus, after being discharged from the hospital, have a sharp deterioration in their health. However, the decrease in immunity and the appearance of concomitant diseases does not depend on the severity of the transferred coronavirus, the scientist noted.

He noted that after seven months the majority of patients (78%) are still tired. Another 71% of patients complain of frequent malaise after physical exertion. Cognitive dysfunction is observed in 57% of patients. 68% of patients complain of a decrease in the general level of performance.

“The disease can be difficult, but not give such consequences, and, on the contrary, minimal manifestations can lead to such serious changes,” – said the academician.

Earlier, the head of the cell proliferation laboratory at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pyotr Chumakov, in an interview with URA.RU, commented on reports of a chronic form of coronavirus.

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