Home » The same handwriting as 23 years ago – Piontkovsky about the events in the Bryansk region

The same handwriting as 23 years ago – Piontkovsky about the events in the Bryansk region

by alex

On March 2, the Russians announced that Ukrainian “DRGs” had entered the territory of the Bryansk region. This is a provocation by the FSB, which used the Russian volunteer corps for its own purposes.

Perhaps some kind of political action was conceived: to enter one of the villages of the Bryansk region, make a speech, paste a postcard. This logic is quite clear. The FSB needs this in order to shift responsibility for their crimes to the volunteer corps. Andrey Piontkovsky, a Russian publicist, said this to Channel 24 .

Years go by, nothing changes

Most likely, the publicist says, people were still killed. This is the trademark of the structure.

We must not forget who is in power in Russia now: the most powerful people are Vladimir Putin and Patrushev. They organized a series of explosions in the country 23 years ago. One by one, killing hundreds of Russian citizens, until they were captured in Ryazan by the local police, Piontkovsky recalled.

The Ministry of the Interior said that the terrorists who tried to blow up a house in Ryazan had been captured. The next day, Patrushev appeared with a lecherous smile, who said that “these were exercises.”

“Yesterday we were told a respectable story. A boy who took two girls out of a car in a shootout and hid them somewhere. They said that he got to the emergency room, where he was treated. And today television shows an epic picture that poor Fedor is 6 hours they perform an operation in the intensive care unit of the Bryansk hospital, the governor visits him. Yesterday he ran, and today he is dying. This is all the signature of this huge operation, “Piontkovsky believes.

The main thing is that in the information space the task is to attribute this to Ukraine. According to the publicist, Denis Kapustin standing with the flag has a very dubious biography. This is a right-wing fascist militant, a football fan. He and the gang were sent to France for the European Championship, so that they would have a brawl there. These people are 100% controlled by the FSB.

I am ready to admit that he may have been imbued, felt, changed his convictions and stood up for Ukraine. But in this case, the FSB used him to the maximum: either as a useful idiot, or deliberately participating in this operation. I have always considered this man very suspicious,” the publicist remarked.

By the way, he says, this so-called “volunteer corps” is a splinter group from the Russian Legion organization, which is integrated into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is associated with the Russian political opposition.

“It seems to me that any association of the Ukrainian state with this person and structure brings only damage, which was maximally manifested in yesterday’s large-scale provocation by the FSB,” Piontkovsky summed up.

What are the goals of provocations

  • Political scientist Valentin Gladkikh believes that the fake about the Ukrainian DRG in the Bryansk region is a way to dehumanize the enemy. Vladimir Putin used the same method in the Second Chechen War, when he staged terrorist attacks and, having played on this, came to power.
  • “According to the organizers of these performances, this should unite the Russian society, explain to it why this” special military operation “was necessary, they say, look how bloodthirsty these Ukrainians are, what they are doing,” the political scientist said.
  • According to Gladkikh, Russia is also coming to use this action to reach Western or Eastern audiences in order to demonstrate that Ukrainians are allegedly so treacherous and support terrorism. However, it was so absurdly done, says the political scientist, that it causes nothing but sarcasm and irony.
  • Valentin Gladkikh is convinced that Ukraine has nothing to do with the events in the Bryansk region, since it did not receive any benefit from this. Blaming the alleged entry of the Ukrainian DRG into the Bryansk region, the Russians wanted to frame Ukraine, but could not do it.
  • He also does not rule out that it could be a movement of partisans who are fed up with Putin's regime. In any case, Ukraine is not interested in events of this nature that took place in the territory controlled by the Moscow regime.

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