Home » The Russians were told about the theft of the Internet

The Russians were told about the theft of the Internet

by alex

A drop in home Internet speed may indicate that outsiders are connected to the network. Daniil Chernov, director of the security solutions center for software at Rostelecom-Solar, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta about this in a conversation with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

“The administration panel will help to make sure of unauthorized access,” the author clarified. To do this, you need to go to the web interface of the router – usually at the standard address or If the user has not changed the settings of the network equipment, then the login and password will be admin and admin. Next, you need to find a list of the IP and MAC addresses issued by the router, where you can find unknown devices.

“If there are extraneous addresses among them, you should change the password from the router and make sure that encryption is enabled in the network security settings,” the expert emphasized. Otherwise, an unknown person can use someone else's Wi-Fi network, steal the Internet and even take possession of the user's personal data.

Typically, attackers can connect to the network in two ways – by guessing a password and using vulnerabilities in the router software. The expert recommended setting complex passwords immediately after setting up the network, not using popular bundles such as 12345, password, qwerty, admin. Chernov also advised to regularly update the router software, since new patches can close existing holes in the system.

Earlier, Russian experts said that the time of day does not affect the security of the router, since the attack is carried out by robots, and “they do not work on days of the week and working hours.” If the user has concerns that they may be hacked, they should set a strong password on their router and enable encryption.

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