Home » The Russians are looking for weak points in the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but so far they have not succeeded, – Arestovich

The Russians are looking for weak points in the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but so far they have not succeeded, – Arestovich

by alex

Arestovich said that the Russians are looking for weaknesses in the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine/Channel 24 collage

Russian invaders have been trying to find the weak points of the Ukrainian defense for 6 days already. However, fortunately, they have not succeeded so far.

The Russians are concentrating their main efforts on the direction of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Aleksey Arestovich, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President, stated this at a briefing, Channel 24 reports.

The enemy is trying to develop an offensive in the direction of the city of Gulyai Pole and is conducting active assault and search operations.

They are regrouped many times, and we will wait for the results of this regrouping. Something tells me that they will be disappointing for the enemy,” Arestovich said.

He added that the invaders are looking for weak spots in our defense in order to focus the main blow on them. However, at the moment, the Russians have not been successful in this.

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