Home » The Russian woman received payments for the mobilized, who was thrown into Ukraine: 2 rubles 26 kopecks

The Russian woman received payments for the mobilized, who was thrown into Ukraine: 2 rubles 26 kopecks

by alex

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Russia not only uses the mobilized as human shields, but also does not pay compensation to their families. A similar situation occurred among those mobilized from the Tyumen detachment.

So, the wife of one of the mobilized, abandoned in the forests near Energodar, received payments of only 2 rubles 26 kopecks. This is how much, according to the Russian authorities, the life of their military is worth.

In addition, she confirmed the information from other mobilized from the Tyumen detachment “Ermak”, located near Energodar on the “second line of defense”.

They have no tents, bourgeois, food. They eat the leftovers of what they took with them. They sleep in a sleeping bag on the bare ground. There is no way to dry things. Everyone is sick, many already have pneumonia, because they have a constant wet and severe cough, the woman complained.

The Russian woman received payments for the mobilized 2 rubles 26 kopecks/Photo by Astra< /p>

She claims that her husband is an artilleryman by profession, but he was put in the infantry. And tankers are generally assigned to snipers.

“They put a half-blind sniper – up to -12 in one eye. They didn’t learn anything in 2 weeks of study. They have nothing but a machine gun. One quadrocopter was issued for the entire battalion, which no one knows how to manage,” said the wife of one of the mobilized.

Both the mobilized and their relatives are afraid to complain openly, because for complaints “they can be sent to the front without anything.”

Russia has problems with payments for mobilized soldiers

Russia has huge problems with payments for “partially mobilized” soldiers. It gets to the point that some of them do not receive any financial payments at all. As military expert Oleg Zhdanov said earlier, the mobilized Russians are now fighting literally for “thank you.” What's more, their commanders don't even always issue battle exits.

What you should know about partial mobilization in Russia

  • In September, the Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a partial mobilization of Russia. The aggressor country planned to mobilize 300 thousand people.
  • However, the decree also contained a closed clause, which refers to the plans of the Russian authorities to mobilize more than a million men.
  • Subsequently, it became clear that the military infrastructure Russia cannot ensure the mobilization of even the officially announced 300,000. Many without any preparation began to overturn to the front.

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