Home ยป The Russian Ministry of Education and Science will take part in the Army-2021 forum

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science will take part in the Army-2021 forum

by alex

In 2021, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will take an active part in the work of the VII International Military-Technical Forum “Army – 2021” for the formation and sustainable functioning of a network of leading universities included in the global rankings, implementing breakthrough research and development work, which can be successfully applied at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex. The work will be attended by 25 universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including Ufa State Aviation Technical University, NUST MISiS, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University, BSTU VOENMEKH named after D.F Ustinova, National Research University ITMO.

– Our ministries have common serious state tasks. First, it is the provision of the state's defense security. Our universities and research institutes contribute to this by implementing major programs, conducting research and development, – emphasized the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov at a joint conference with the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

At the stand of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 4D1-2 in pavilion D, the results of innovative projects implemented at the institutes will be presented, such as a quantum random number generator, which provides a 1000-fold superiority in speed over classical RNG, a remote-controlled unmanned underwater vehicle TNPA TurtleROV2 with a maximum working depth of 400 m. , a cryomedical electric machine with an intelligent system for controlling an aircraft engine, a self-propelled thermal flaw detector for detecting hidden defects in flat aircraft panels of a large area, mobile small-sized facilities for refueling upper stages and spacecraft for space rockets based on precision weighing devices equipped with an automatic operator workstation, remote-controlled unmanned underwater vehicle “Baltiets”, an electric pump unit for hydraulic systems of rocket-space and aviation technology with a control system that implements diagnostics and forecast th state of the electric pump unit using artificial intelligence.

To search for possible applications of the presented exposition for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the organizers invite you to visit the stand of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and take part in the business program of the stand in the following areas:

advanced digital manufacturing technologies,

robotic systems,

new materials and design methods,

systems for processing large amounts of data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and information security.

Details on the website: https://www.rusarmyexpo.ru/

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