Home » The Russian Foreign Ministry told about the provocative exhibition about the Kuriles in Japan

The Russian Foreign Ministry told about the provocative exhibition about the Kuriles in Japan

by alex

The Russian Foreign Ministry protested to Japan over the exhibition “Territory and Sovereignty” about the Kuril Islands

Photo: Aleksander Polyakov / Global Look Press

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned a diplomat from among the leadership of the Japanese Embassy for a conversation after the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the Kuril Islands in Tokyo, the Foreign Ministry's website says.

The Japanese politician was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on December 17. The diplomats reminded a colleague from Tokyo that Moscow had already protested after holding a similar event in 2020. In early December 2021, the exhibition “Territory and Sovereignty”, prepared with the support of the Japanese authorities, started working again, the department said.

“The organizers again took this provocative step, once again not finding a place for placement among the exhibits for such documents as the 1945 Act of Surrender, according to which Japan pledged to“ honestly comply with the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, ”the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty,” – noted in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition, the Russian side expressed concern about the exercises of Japan and the United States, which took place on December 6 near Hokaido Island. Moscow believes that they pose a threat to Russia's security in the Far East.

In October, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced Tokyo's sovereignty in the South Kuriles during a debate in the country's parliament.

Due to a dispute over the ownership of the southern part of the Kuriles, Moscow and Tokyo cannot sign a peace treaty following World War II. Japan regards Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai group of islands as their “northern territories”. In turn, Russia does not recognize the very fact of the territorial dispute.

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