Home ยป The researchers assessed the possibility of infection by the coronavirus from mosquitoes

The researchers assessed the possibility of infection by the coronavirus from mosquitoes

by alex

Scientists appreciated the opportunity to be infected with the coronavirus after a mosquito bite. In a study published in the journal Nature, stated that the mosquitoes are not the source of human infection.

Experts stressed that COVID-19 “can not replicate in mosquitoes”. In this regard, the transfer of a coronavirus from a man they are impossible, even if a mosquito bites a carrier of the infection.

Earlier, a similar opinion was expressed by the world health organization (who). There were doubts that the new coronavirus can be transmitted through mosquitoes.

July 18, doctor of biological Sciences, Professor Sergey Netesov explained that the rash cannot be attributed to the basic symptoms of the coronavirus. Netesov drew attention to the article of Spanish scientists in the scientific journal JAMA Dermatology, which States that not all patients have this symptom, but only some of them. “With a high degree of probability, simply related coronavirus, additional infection. Because of this, not all of it [the rash] and observed,” said the virologist.

According to the latest data, the total number detected in Russia cases of infection with coronavirus has reached 765 thousand. Per day reported 124 fatalities. For the entire period in Russia from the coronavirus died 12 247 people.

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