Home » The psychiatrist advised to hang garlands to fight the autumn blues

The psychiatrist advised to hang garlands to fight the autumn blues

by alex

Psychiatrist of the highest category Viktor Khanykov named a way to defeat the autumn blues. He told about this radio Sputnik.

According to him, the autumn lack of sunlight leads to a decrease in the production of serotonin – “the hormone of happiness.” The greatest blow to the body falls on the day of the autumnal equinox: during this period, depressive disorders begin.

The doctor recommended to spend money on electricity, but turn on all the lights in the room. “Since there is less sun in the sky, then you need to create more light at home and not save, but light the lamps brightly,” he said. Also, added Khanykov, you can create a festive mood for yourself by hanging garlands and turning on the holiday lights.

Earlier, Anastasia Beburishvili, a senior researcher at the Mental Health Research Center, warned that clinical depression cannot be dealt with on its own – it differs from seasonal mood swings in the fall in a number of signs that need to be recognized. So, according to her, one should not overlook such signs as a constant decrease in mood for more than two weeks, loss of habitual interests and pleasure from favorite activities, asthenia, fatigue, difficulty trying to concentrate, inhibition of thinking and movements. In addition, symptoms of depression such as disturbed sleep and appetite, feelings of guilt for their condition and feelings of their own worthlessness should be alerted.

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