Home » The process of beatification of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky lasts 63 years

The process of beatification of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky lasts 63 years

by alex

Today, on December 5, exactly 63 years have passed since the beginning of the beatification process of the righteous Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky.

In Lviv, they decided to continue the study of his historical figure, and the deputies of the local city council expressed a desire to declare the Metropolitan the patron of the city.

Exactly 63 years ago, in 1958, the beatification process of the righteous Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky began. During the beatification, the deceased martyr is officially blessed.

Former Pope John Paul II in 2001 expressed his hope to one day see Andrey Sheptytsky among the saints.

& # 8212 ; Along with education and spiritual grace, the unusual gift of the organizer was harmoniously combined. He founded schools and academies, supported theological and secular studies, sacred art and the preservation of historical monuments, & # 8212; he noted.

He stated this during a sermon on the beatification of Vladyka Nicholas Charnetsky and his 24 brothers who died a martyr's death for the sake of their faith.

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