Home » The prime minister and president of another EU country advocated the return of Ukrainian men home

The prime minister and president of another EU country advocated the return of Ukrainian men home

by alex

President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda believes that "Ukraine should have the opportunity and tools to invite its children to fulfill their duty to the Motherland".

President and Prime Minister of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda and Ingrida Simonytė believe that Lithuania should help Ukraine return men liable for military service living abroad.

They stated this during a debate on LRT radio.

“Ukraine must have the opportunity and tools to invite its guys to fulfill their duty to the Motherland . We must cooperate with Ukraine in every sense,” Nausėda said.

In turn, Prime Minister Simonyte believes that on the issue of the return of Ukrainian citizens liable for military service from abroad, consultations are needed at the level of the European Union.

“Perhaps, when considering the issue of extending a temporary residence permit, some methods could be found to ensure that a person has fulfilled his mobilization duty or is exempt from it. But here we must cooperate not only with Ukrainian institutions, but also wider, because the so-called temporary protection applies to the people of Ukraine in the EU,” she noted.

“That temporary protection is quite universal, within the framework of this protection the guarantees provided to Ukrainian citizens in the EU are very broad, it is clear that this is not a matter of one or two states,” added Shimonytė.

Recall that last week the Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister of Poland Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamisz said that Warsaw can help Ukraine by returning men of military age to their homeland.

Commenting on this, Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas said that Lithuania promises to follow the example of Poland regarding mobilized Ukrainians living abroad.

However, later Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski clarified that Warsaw’s assistance in transferring military-age men to Ukraine is an ethically questionable step, adding that Kyiv itself should take the initiative in this matter.

▶ On the TSN YouTube channel you can watch the video at this link: EUROPE HAS STANDED TO DEFEND UKRAINIANS! Which countries will not deport those liable for military service?

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