Home » The price of protecting the whole world from a new pandemic has been announced

The price of protecting the whole world from a new pandemic has been announced

by alex

The amount of funds required to save the world from a new catastrophic pandemic was named. This requires about $ 5 per person annually, according to the former head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Gro Harlem Brundtland, according to The Guardian.

According to Brundtland, although this is a huge cost on a global scale, it will ultimately help prevent damage comparable to that caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus – it is estimated at about $ 11 trillion.

The expert's assessment of global security is based on the calculations of the consulting firm McKinsey & Company: according to estimates of its specialists, preparing for a pandemic over the next five years will cost $ 4 and 70 cents for each inhabitant of the Earth.

The expert also complained about the policy pursued towards WHO by US President Donald Trump. According to her, if rich countries abstract themselves from epidemiological assistance to poor countries and focus only on combating the pandemic within their borders, sooner or later the disease will spread to them.

Earlier in September, the WHO reported that the universal vaccination program against COVID-19 had to be postponed due to “vaccination nationalism”: developed countries, namely the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom, preferred primarily to purchase vaccines for their own populations, rather than investing in its spread in less wealthy countries.

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