Home » The Polish Sejm elected Donald Tusk as the new prime minister

The Polish Sejm elected Donald Tusk as the new prime minister

by alex

Tusk became Prime Minister of Poland/GettyImages and Collage 24 Channel

Donald Tusk was nominated as a candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Poland. The previous head of government was dismissed a few hours ago.

In Poland, the leader of the Civic Platform party, Donald Tusk, was nominated for the post of Prime Minister.

More two hundred members of the Sejm voted in favor

Donald Tusk gave a speech after his election as Prime Minister of Poland. He expressed gratitude to the Poles and noted that he was proud of them.

He also thanked Law and Justice for “what they tried to do with democracy.”

Tusk's cabinet could be sworn in on Wednesday, allowing him to travel to Brussels for the EU summit on Thursday and Friday as prime minister. He promised to release billions of euros in EU aid frozen due to long-running tensions with Brussels.

Today I am proud of the Poles, perhaps victory is victory of the weakest. From tomorrow we will be able to correct the mistakes so that everyone in Poland feels at home,” said Tusk.

Many of those present in the Sejm cried.

Morawiecki was dismissed

  • The Polish Parliament did not provide vote of confidence in the government of Mateusz Morawiecki. This means automatic resignation. The majority of members of the Polish parliament voted for a vote of no confidence in the government led by Mateusz Morawiecki.
  • In addition, it is worth noting that the opposition has a majority in the Polish Sejm. The day before it became known that the opposition had already formed Tusk's government.
  • Tusk himself entered into confrontation with Morawiecki and noted that the border blockade could negatively affect Ukrainian-Polish relations.

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