Home » The Pentagon announced whether the leak of American weapons from Ukraine was recorded

The Pentagon announced whether the leak of American weapons from Ukraine was recorded

by alex

The US Deputy Secretary of Defense said that the Ukrainians do not divert weapons to the black market.

All weapons that the United States transfers to Ukraine are used effectively, for their intended purpose, and no evidence of their redirection from the country has been found.

This was stated by US Deputy Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs Colin Kahl on February 28 during a hearing in the Committee of the House of Representatives.

“We have not seen any evidence of a major leak (weapons – ed.),” a Pentagon spokesman said in response to questions.

Kal suggested that certain types of weapons could fall into the hands of the enemy during the battle, but this always happens in a war. At the same time, the deputy minister stressed that “there is no evidence that Ukrainians are diverting weapons to the black market.”

He also noted that Ukraine is using US-provided weapons “to the best of its ability” and is demanding more systems.

Recall that on February 23, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry categorically rejected China's statements that allegedly weapons for Ukraine from the United States do not reach the front, and often “smuggling ends up in the hands of criminal groups in Europe and other regions.”

Even earlier, in mid-January, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry had to refute Russia's lie that “the West is growing annoyed with corruption in Ukraine after the inefficient use of foreign financial assistance provided to it.”

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