Home » The Pension Fund explained to Muscovites the procedure for paying pensions for January

The Pension Fund explained to Muscovites the procedure for paying pensions for January

by alex

The Pension Fund said that pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region will receive payments for January until December 30

Photo: Igor Ivanko / Kommersant

Moscow pensioners who receive payments from the 1st to the 9th day of each month through credit institutions will be credited with the money for January ahead of schedule – on December 29 and 30. So the procedure for payments to Muscovites on New Year's holidays was explained in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).

It is also noted that early payments will also affect pensioners living in the Moscow region. The delivery of pensions through the Russian Post offices will begin on January 3, 2022.

Earlier, Elena Grigorieva, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the RUDN University, said that pensioners who receive payments on the first day of each month at the Russian Post, money for January will be credited at the end of December.

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