Home » The origin of the turkey schnitzel remains a secret

The origin of the turkey schnitzel remains a secret

by alex

In the future, large kitchens will have to tell their guests where the beef and eggs they are cooking come from. This is provided for in a draft ordinance by the Ministry of Health. The planned labeling requirement for processed products is missing – for the time being.

Vienna. The Green Ministry of Health is presenting the first draft for a mandatory declaration of origin for food. In public and private canteens (or, depending on the reading, even in pubs) it should be clear in future where the primary ingredients beef and eggs come from. Too little, criticize the Austrian farmers and the coalition partner ÖVP – the regulation falls short.

After all, in its government program, Türkis-Grün agreed on a mandatory declaration of origin for milk, meat and eggs in canteens and processed foods from 2021. There is nothing to be read about this in the current draft. One reason for this are restrictions under European law, as the government was also confirmed by an opinion by European law expert Walter Obwexer.

Legal options not exhausted

The primary ingredient regulation of the EU only allows national markings of origin for certain products, according to his judgment. But the possibilities have not yet been exhausted. “Austria has its limits, but there are possibilities,” said Obwexer. Countries could enforce a mandatory declaration of origin for beef, eggs, fruit and vegetables.

“I expect an implementation for processed products as well,” urges Agriculture Minister Elisabeth Köstinger (ÖVP) to the Ministry of Health. There it was only said on Wednesday that the draft regulation was “still in vote”. Only when these talks are over will the planned regulation be sent to Brussels. (except)

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